t                   oPastor John and wife Kathy  


Preaching God's Sovereign, Electing Grace   


10 am Sunday Bible Study

Decemeber 2,2018



Sunday Morning December 2nd, 2018


Sunday Morning Bible Study              10:00 AM

Sunday Morning Worship                   11:00 AM

Sunday Evening Worship    Canceled      6:30 PM

Friday Night Bible Study      Resumed     7:30 PM


                      OPENING HYMN

         “He Hideth My Soul”                                   pg 496


                 SCRIPTURE READING

              Psalm 110




                   WORSHIP HYMN

           “Grace Greater Than All My Sin”              pg 201


                 SPECIAL MUSIC

               To be announced.


                    Message Title

             “Justifying Grace” (pt. 2 of  9)


                   CLOSING HYMN

          “Now I Belong to Jesus”                                pg 511



   “The Lord Jesus Christ is the solitary object of our faith.  These three words, ‘looking unto Jesus’, are much more fuller than our English translation suggests.  They are immense.  The words would actually be more accurately translated, ‘Looking away unto and into Jesus’.

     Salvation is ‘looking unto Jesus’.  Salvation begins, in the experience of it, looking to Christ (Isaiah 45:22).  Salvation continues ‘looking unto Jesus’.  Salvation ends similarly, ‘looking unto Jesus’ (1 John 3:2).  It is written, ‘And they shall see his face’ (Revelation 22:4).

     The Holy Spirit calls for us to turn our eyes away from everything else and fix them upon the Lord Jesus Christ alone.  If we would be saved, we must look to Christ alone.  If we would continue in the grace of God, we must look to Christ alone.  Let him have no rival.  Look away from that great cloud of witnesses.  They will be a hindrance to faith if they keep you in anyway from looking to Christ.  Look away to Christ for eternal life; for redemption, justification, faith, repentance, mortification, sanctification, and preservation.  Look away from the course you must run.  If you spend your soul’s energy looking at the course, you will soon be overwhelmed.  Look away from other runners in the race.  Anything, anyone to whom you look, to any degree, takes your eyes off Christ.  Look to him alone and look to him always.

     These words, ‘looking unto Jesus’, suggest that as we run our race looking to Christ alone, we must ever be looking unto him.  We must look away to Christ, with the eye of faith, ever gazing into his infinitely glorious Person.  Faith begins with but a glimmering revelation of the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.  The more we look unto Christ the more fully we see him; and the more fully we see him the more we see into him and perceive who and what he is.”

Excerpt  from  Pastor Don Fortner’s

book, Discovering Christ in Hebrews

 “The last Adam”

--1 Corinthians 15:45--

   “JESUS IS THE FEDERAL HEAD OF HIS ELECT.  As in Adam, every heir of flesh and blood has a personal interest, because he is the covenant head and representative of the race as considered under the law of works; so under the law of grace, every redeemed soul is one with the Lord from heaven, since he is the Second Adam, the Sponsor and Substitute of the elect in the new covenant of love.  The apostle Paul declares that Levi was in the loins of Abraham when Melchizedek met him: it is a certain truth that the believer was in the loins of Jesus Christ, the Mediator, when in old eternity the covenant settlements of grace were decreed, ratified, and made sure for ever.  Thus, whatever Christ hath done, he hath wrought for the whole body of His Church.  We were crucified in Him and buried with Him, (Read Colossians 2:10 - 13), and to make it still more wonderful, we are risen with Him and even ascended with Him to the seats on high (Ephesians 2:6).  It is thus that the Church has fulfilled the law, and is ‘accepted in the beloved’.  It is thus that she is regarded with complacency by the just Jehovah, for He views her in Jesus, and does not look upon her as separate from her covenant head.  As the Anointed Redeemer of Israel, Christ Jesus has nothing distinct from His Church, but all that He has He holds for her.  Adam’s righteousness was ours so long as he maintained it, and his sin was ours the moment that he committed it; and in the same manner, all that the Second Adam is or does, is ours as well as His, seeing that He is our representative.  Here is the foundation of the covenant of grace.  This gracious system of representation and substitution, which moved Justin Martyr to cry out, ‘O blessed change, O sweet permutation!’  This is the very groundwork of the gospel of our salvation, and is to be received with strong faith and rapturous joy.”

                                            --C. H. Spurgeon


“A man who looks toward the light sees no shadow; a man who walks toward the light leaves darkness behind him. People get in darkness by turning away from the light. They hide in obscure corners; they bury themselves in nooks where the rays of the Sun of Righteousness cannot reach them; they close their blinds and shutters, and wonder that they have no light.”

 Author Unknown


Join us for Fellowship dinner, in the fellowship hall
Following our afternoon service, we will come to the Lords table, Lord willing 

            FOOD FOR THOUGHT

“If any man ascribes anything of salvation, even the very least thing, to the free will of man, he knows nothing of grace, and he has not learned Jesus Christ rightly.”

--Martin Luther


Seeking Christ

   “No person will ever seek mercy until they learn that they are guilty; they will never apply for grace until they learn that they are helpless; they will never seek the Saviour until they learn that they are lost!  Further, no person will ever truly learn these things until they come under the sound of the gospel and the convincing influence of the Holy Spirit, who, by the Word of God reveals them to the heart and soul.  But, when once this work of the Spirit is begun, it is always followed by a quickening revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ and how in Him, God is both just and the justifier of the guilty, lost and helpless sinner who believes in Him.  The darkness of sin, guilt and death must give way to ‘the Sun of Righteousness Who arises with healing in His wings’.”

                                                Pastor Charles Pennington


A Strong Consolation (Hebrews 6: 17-19).

   “If only one of God’s sheep were to perish, the purpose of God would be frustrated, the power of God resisted, the promise of God broken, the faithfulness of God would be a mockery and the word of God proved to be a lie.  If but one of His little ones were to be lost and sin win the day, where would be the veracity, the honor, the grace, the covenant and the oath of God? The assurance of faith is not in my ability to hold on but the immutable character of my God who loved me and gave himself for me.”

                                                              Pastor Darvin Pruit

“There was not a speck of sin on the conscience, nor a principle of sin in the nature of His people, for which Christ was not judged on the cross; and they are now looked upon as having died with Christ, lain in the grave with Christ been raised with Christ, perfectly accepted in Him - their sins, their iniquities, their transgressions, their enmity, their uncircumcision, having been entirely put away by the cross.  The sentence of death has been written on the flesh; but the believer is in possession of a new life, in union with his risen Head in glory.

     What rest - perfect rest - for the heart and conscience is here!  What full relief for the burdened spirit!  All our sins buried in the grave of Christ, not one - even the smallest - left out!  God did this for us!  All that His searching eye could detect in us, He laid on the head of Christ when He hung upon the cross!  He judged Him there and then, instead of judging us in hell forever!

                                                                           --C. H. Mackintosh


Oftentimes a drowning man has to be knocked out by the person who is trying to save him.  WHY?  Because he is so wild in his struggles, trying to save himself, that he jeopardizes the life of the one who is trying to rescue him, and must be rendered motionless.  So it is with every sinner saved by the merits of Jesus Christ.  The false religionist is struggling so hard, trying to save himself by his own sinful works, the Holy Spirit MUST reveal to him that he is spiritually dead, rendering him motionless, before he will see his need of Christ and His saving grace.  He does not see that man’s works drowns the sinner and his false Jesus in the waters of sinful imaginations.  Works religionists not only rob God of His glory, they make the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ meaningless.                                                  


                                                                  Pastor Gene Harmon


Do you believe on the Son of God?

   “If you trust Christ as your Lord and Savior, your faith in Him is the fruit and evidence of His grace bestowed upon you and wrought in you. Faith is the empty hand that receives God’s salvation, not the mighty arm that performs it.  Faith in Christ is the result of eternal life bestowed, not the cause of life.”

                                                              Pastor Don Fortner


Divine Healing

“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases” (Psalm 103:2).

This would be a perfect man—one that has no sin and no disease. I can think of only one that fits this description; The Lord Jesus Christ—The Godman. The Lord Jesus Christ became so much one with his people that he was made our sin, and we are made his righteousness. We are perfect in Him! Iniquities and disease are one and the same in this context. The HEALERS of our day like to apply this to themselves and physical healing. But this is not the case. Granted, if we are healed physically it is the Lord’s doing. However, the healing spoken of and portrayed in the Scriptures is the redeeming work of the great physician in the putting away of our sin and the imputation of his righteousness to us. Do I believe in divine healing? Emphatically YES! I believe Christ heals his people eternally! “Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the LORD’S hand double for all her sins” (Isa. 40:2).

                                                         -- Tommy Robbins


Brethren, do not allow anyone to corrupt your minds from the "simplicity that is in Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:3). Men will get bogged down in their rational discussions and explanations trying to explain the mysteries of the inner workings of grace. They will complicate the plain teachings of God's Word and take their pet scriptures out of context to prove their positions. They will go so far as to divide brethren over matters they themselves do not fully understand. But that which brings and holds us together is the single message of Christ and Him crucified, and all who believe in and love Christ see and know, by the power of the Holy Spirit within, that they have nothing in which to glory but the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (Galatians 6:14). This is the work of Christ by His Spirit within.          
